Download JaninaCraft Resource Packs

By | May 29, 2021

Download JaninaCraft Resource Packs for Minecraft. Install and Download JaninaCraft Resource Packs for Minecraft. Basically, resource packs allow players to customize textures, models, music, sounds, language files, end credits, splash texts, and fonts without modifying the actual game code as explained by the Minecraft Wiki. If you have any issues, please make a comment below, and we will help you. Awesome!


Download JaninaCraft Resource Packs



How to install JaninaCraft Texture Pack for Minecraft

  • To make it work you will need the “MCPatcher HD Fix” or “Download Here
  • Extract the zip-file from the “MCPatcher HD Fix” into the “.minecraft/bin” Folder
  • Double-click the “McPatcher HD Fix” into the “.minecraft/bin” Folder and click the button “patch” to patch your Minecraft.
  • Now your Minecraft is ready for any HD-texturepack!
  • Drag and drop or copy and paste your Zip-File into the folder: “.minecraft/texturepacks”
  • Now run your Minecraft and choose the texturepack under “Mods and Texture Packs” and you will be finish!
  • Have fun with the new textures!
  • WARNING: Some other mods didn’t work with the “MCPatcher HD Fix”.
  • Make sure you have a fresh version of Minecraft. To fresh up your Minecraft,
  • Delete all the stuff into the “.minecraft” folder excluding the “.minecraft/saves” folder.
  • And than start Minecraft, to download the fresh files.

For 1.5

Download Here

For 1.4

Download Here

Download Here

Credits: Janina



  1. We do not host any Minecraft mods on our website!
  2. The download links are updated every 3 days so you alway get the last version!
  3. If you have any questions about Download JaninaCraft Resource Packs, please leave a comment below and we will help you.